I could not believe it. Today was a bad day for him.....I called my mom and was talking to her to tell her I was going to bring her mom (my grandma) and son over tomorrow to see dad.....and she said it may not be a good time. She said that dad had a bad day......was having a hard time breathing again and had a bad cough. He had just been to the doctor on Wednesday and they said his lungs were clear.....sounded good....etc.
Today they called the home health nurse and she came out and she said his lungs sounded okay too.....and his oxygen saturations were good....but when I talked to mom and then dad......there is NO WAY his lungs could be clear or his saturations okay. I asked him what his saturations were......and this is WITH oxygen...and they were only about 90 to 92%. That is not great especially if you have oxygen....and he had a coughing spell and it sounded like his lungs/chest was full of crap....I mean it was nasty sounding......worse than I have heard and I have worked in a pulmonary clinic with kids with cystic fibrosis!
Dad was not able to get up most of the day to do anything......could no longer make it to the bathroom or really even stand up without becoming very breathless......and almost falling down.
I told dad that I thought he should not wait around.....I asked him how long he wanted to go on like that? That I knew he did not want to go to the hospital again but I felt he SHOULD go...as they could make him more comfortable......breathe easier......and give him a breathing treatment if needed which I felt he needed....increase his oxygen which I felt he also needed......and they could make sure nothing was wrong inside his chest.....as it sounded to me like he might have fluid building up. We all could not imagine his lung could possibly have collapsed again.
Mom at first I think just thought dad was anxious and panicky a bit....and that was making his breathing worse. Which it would....but after I talked to him I told her that he did not sound panicky to me....he sounded like he just could not get air in and his lungs were full of crap. I told her too that I thought he should go to the hospital ....and I told dad that numerous times.
She finally decided to call the after hours and home health nurse and I told her they would all tell her to call 911 if he was at that point...and have him be taken back to the hospital.
So she did.....they took him...mom just called.......and guess what? HIS LUNG HAS COLLAPSED AGAIN!!!!!!!! THE SAME ONE......and now they are faced with all the crap I wanted them to PRESS those doctors for answers on......WHAT ARE THEY GOING TO DO NOW? THEY told dad originally they would NOT put another chest tube in.....but that is what they are doing right now. They also said they would not operate....but this being the THIRD TIME that lung has collapsed....I BET they will HAVE to do surgery now.....to either resect the bad portion off or remove that lung entirely. How well he will do then will depend a lot on the remaining lung and the condition it is in.
SO dad will be sedated for the chest tube....and in the hospital probably this time for awhile.....and maybe over another holiday? NOT sure yet about that or what will happen but ANY AND ALL prayers are appreciated!
I till try to keep everyone updated or my mom will on dad's blog or her blog.....