Wednesday, August 6, 2008

sap from a cherry tree.......

this cherry tree is also in my parents' backyard and they say is slowly dying. I had no idea it would leak sap out the bark on the sides of the is a close up......I wonder what it would taste like?

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Patty said...

I doubt it would taste good and I'm not about to try it.

Tomate Farcie said...

Oooh, good close up!

I don't know what it tastes like but I can tell you it could be a pain to get rid of if it fell on your car. I have had a bad surprise a few years ago while parking my car under the "wrong" tree, and since I never got the car repainted, I am reminded of that bad parking decision every time I look at the left side of my car(it "ate" right through the clear coat of the paint! :)

Anonymous said...

Wow! Why is it dying?
