Wednesday, March 18, 2009

none of us looked too thrilled in this shot did we?

this was in my backyard when I was a took the shot. I can remember being that age and those times as if they were yesterday though. I am on the end, right side looking at the picture. In fact...there is something black sitting beside me on the bench.....can you guess what it is??????


Patty said...

Looks like your Dad's old camera case. Yes we all looked happy. LOL I suppose we were hot and tired. You can tell I was doing something look at my dirty knee. We probably had completed one of those many projects your Dad would get us all involved in whether we wanted to be or not. LOL There's probably one I took of him sitting on the bench with you kids and if so, I'm sure you were all grinning or making some kind of face, you all seemed to like doing that when it was my turn to snap the photo.

DeniseinVA said...

Hi there, that's what I was going to say but your Mom beat me to it. A camera. How cool that you, your Mom and Dad all have blogs.

Melinda said...

Yes actually everyone in my family has blogs except my one sister. So that would be my mom, dad, 2 other sisters and 1 brother...and me.....

Anonymous said...



Tomate Farcie said...

Hahaha!!! Forgive me but I laughed really hard ! So you weren't laughing at the time, but now you can laugh when you look back on it :)

Anonymous said...

You failed to show the next photo which shows all of us when MOM took the picture and dad is sitting with us. We are much happier in that photo from what I remember. Guess we wanted to make mom laugh when SHE took our photo.

Melinda said...

yeah I just found that copy the other day!

Charles said...

Yes, this is the ages I remember most of you kids. Now, we are old--er!